WELL Features
While working and living at The PARQ, your health and wellbeing will be truly well taken care of.The built environment at The PARQ is designed to address WELL Standard’s eight key human health elements: AIR, HAND HYGIENE, LIGHT, WATER, NOURISHMENT, FITNESS, COMFORT, and MIND.

With premium air filtering and control system that treats both PM2.5 and PM10 installed throughout the building, the air you breath at The PARQ is fresher and cleaner. Fresh air supply at The PARQ is 30% higher than international standards. The PARQ also uses low VOC-emitting interior materials and installs UVC Emitters in the air-cooling system to help eliminate bacteria and fungus as well as reducing the spread of airborne germs.

Keeping your hand germ-free at The PARQ is possible and easy. We provide contactless features, including touch-less and facial-recognition access control, QR code-assisted parking system, smart visitor management system, and hands-free restrooms to ensure that your experience at
the PARQ is safe as well as convenient.
the PARQ is safe as well as convenient.

It is proven that daylight can influence our body clock as well as our mental health. For a happy and productive work environment, The PARQ is equipped with plenty of natural light. We use insulating glass panels that allow in an abundance of daylight without the unwelcome heat. Also, our light fixtures have Unified Glare Rating of less than 19 for tenants’ eye comfort.

To help occupants stay hydrated and reduce the use of plastic bottles, The PARQ installs reverse-osmosis water dispensers with purification system throughout our building. Lead-free pipes and plumbing fittings are used for water supplied to all pantry rooms and drinking water dispensers. Clean and high-quality drinking water is easily accessible wherever you are in The PARQ.

A filling meal can keep you full and nourish your soul. The PARQ Retails offer a variety of healthy meals and snacks featuring non-processed food as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. We also offer a space for vegetable planting where tenants can grow their own greens and enjoy outdoor physical activities with their colleagues.

Daily exercise helps promote both mental and physical health. The PARQ features gardens and landscape amenities that make staying active more convenient for our occupants. Q Garden on the third floor is designed to be a sanctuary from the hectic work day where you can take a stroll through the lush walking track to reenergize your body and mind.

While rather an intangible concept, comfort is something that can be conditioned through our senses. The PARQ ensures that you are comfortable in everything you do by designing the building façade and engineering systems so that your thermal, acoustical, and olfactory senses are always at ease in our building.

Soothing sight, sound, and space can greatly elevate the human mind and spirit. The PARQ’s unique biophilic design approach featuring plants, daylight, water pond and wooden interiors offers a touch of nature to your daily activities. The public art collection at The PARQ is also another element commissioned and curated to create a sense of calm and tranquility inspired by nature.